Postpartum Depression Support Group
Family Counselling Centre, in partnership with Lambton Public Health and St. Clair Child and Youth Services, provides an 8-week support program for parents experiencing difficult postpartum adjustments.
This program provides a dedicated counsellor, weekly support groups where you can connect with other parents in supportive sessions, telephone support through our Tel-Check service as needed, and our “Self-Help Guide” Book.
Next session: Thursday Evenings: February 13th, 20th, and 27th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Parents Putting Kids First
Parents Putting Kids First is a 3-week program for parents going through separation and divorce. This program will educate participants on the impacts of ongoing parental conflict on children, strategies for parents to cooperatively raise their children, and what you participants need to know from a legal perspective presented by a local lawyer.
Note: This group may not be suitable for families experiencing high conflict.
Or call the Intake Department at 519-336-0120 with any questions.
Inquire about upcoming sessions
While we may not have any sessions running at the current time, we do run our group programming several times throughout the year. Please connect with us if you are interested in learning more about our groups and when the next group is starting.